At the zoo
Walking with lemurs
View of our area in Fuengirola
Outside the castle in Fuengirola
This was an interesting week, it was one of those typical missionary weeks, full of HUGE ups and LOW downs. But in the end, I think the week went well
Church yesterday was good, we have the goal as a district to have 20 investigators in church in total and so we were all working hard towards that last week (we had 8... kinda 20 right?? hahaha) but this week we are going to get it! Some cool successes we are seeing is that since I got here, we have been focusing on talking to everybody in the street in between appointments and ALWAYS asking referrals from EVERYBODY and for so long, all we have gotten is rejection but THIS WAS THE WEEK. We met some incredible people on our way to appointments that are going to become investigators this week and the Lord is really putting people in our path. Also yesterday in RS, I was sitting by a member and she leans over and asks me how was the week and if I taught any lessons. I told her yes, but we are always looking for more people to teach. She stops for a second and then gave me FOUR NAMES she wants us to look up! We are finally seeing the benefits of our hard work trying to find. I am loving working here in Fuen. Such a cool spirit about the work here.Some really cool miracles have been going down here too this week. We had met this man, R.., once when we met his friend, S.. (another investigator) at his little food stand and we decided this week to stop by and teach R... Oh my gosh this man is incredible. After only meeting with him twice I am convinced he is going to make an incredible member. I already have his baptism planned... Haha we sit in the back of his kiosco (food stand) on folding chairs and talk about the gospel. He is 61 and is such a humble, sincere man. His wife left him about 2 years ago and since then he´s battled (and conquered) cancer, had heart surgery, and his son has fallen into drugs. Despite all of this, the man believes and has such a personal relationship with Heavenly Father. His prayers are so beautiful and the spirit is SO STRONG when we teach him. He is a miracle.First of all, one HUGE blessing of being here in Fuengirola is having Hermana Deere so close cause Wednesday night right as we were coming in for the night, she called and asked if she could come pick us up. My first thought was, "Crap. What did we do?!" Then suddenly as we were walking outside our piso, I realized it was probably news about Grammie. It was good to hear it in person from somebody and have some time to let it sink it. Its hard not being able to be there with everybody during this time, but I am so grateful for being here as a missionary, having the Spirit SO close and being so focused on the plan of salvation that there was NO question about where Grammie is right now and that she is finally reunited with Grampy. I felt such comfort Wednesday night knowing that she is finally back with him and happy. I´ve been praying for everybody all week.
It really is such a different experience having the gospel in your life. I have met many people on my mission who have lost loved ones and it completely devastates them, but all week I have had such a peaceful feeling knowing exactly where Grammie is and that she is back with Grampy. I am so grateful for the perspective that the gospel brings!
My favorite part of this week was our lesson with R.. yesterday. He was waiting for us all day and had bought us little juices cause he knew we were coming. He´s so great.
I´ve been in a few thunder storms but they were all in Dos (winters here are rainy) and yeah Europe KNOWS their hot chocolate. ITs good here too! They drink it all the time.
I had the oddest craving this week to watch Even Stevens or Lizzie McGuire. Sometimes I miss tv. But then I watch the Restoration video. Or the District. #missionaryprobs. Funny story, we brought J.. to a lesson with A.., our investigator from Pakistan, and she speaks Spanglish (neither her spanish nor her english are very good, she speaks Urdu) and we wanted to share with her Amos 3:7 and talk about prophets and it took us TEN STRAIGHT MINUTES to find Amos in her bible. It was all characters and we would say things in Spanish and repeat them in English. WHY MUST I KEEP FINDING PEOPLE TO TEACH WITH WHOM I DON´T SHARE A COMMON LANGUAGE. I´ve gotten really good at teaching simply though! I wish you could see those lessons; "Dios te ama. God loves you. God. loves. you. Ama. Dios. Love. You understand?" "God ama mundo. God es bueno." Okay yup, good enough. Good news is we ahve the Spirit.
I was reading the talks from the Women´s broadcast in april and i really liked this and thought of you and all the sissies "To be sisters implies that there is an unbreakable bond between us. Sisters take care of each other, watch out for each other, comfort each other and are there for each other through thick and thin." -Bonnie L. Oscarson.
Matthew 10:39 "He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." I was pretty bummed Wednesday night that I was way out here in Spain in a new area where I don´t have a whole lot of connections still and I was just wishing I could be there with you guys but then every Thursday we do service in a soup kitchen for the homeless and by the time our 2 hours there were over, I forgot any sadness I was feeling before. I really forgot myself helping these people and talking to them. It was a testimony to me of the power of selfless service and this scripture!
Hermana Folsom
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