Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9th

Hola querida familia!!

Oh my LONG week, but so much fun! We did so much this week, from concilio to intercambios to awesome investigators in church to THE WORST MUSICAL NUMBER OF MY LIFE. Just for some previews:) Oh by the way i am goin gto hit my YEAR MARK on Thursday, when did that happen??

Concilio was BOMB. It was probably my last one and I´m going to miss it a lot, it’s so great getting to listen to President and Hermana Deere and spend time with them. SO FUNNY, me, H Blake and H Deere had all decided we weren´t going to eat sweets until concilio after talking about 2 weeks before it, but we failed and were SO worried to have to go give an accounting to H Deere about our diet. We walk in the door and she goes, Hermanas, I need to talk to you in private. We go into the kitchen and all three of us start talking about how we tried so hard but failed miserably. I love that lady! It was so funny!

COOL update on P..: He stopped investigating another church!! I was shocked! He has been studying with both of us the entire time I´ve been teaching him (aka my whole time in dos hermanas) and he said finally he came to the conclusion that it was too confusing and that he needed to drop one or both of us. He prayed and decided on dropping the testigos. He was really nervous about doing it and didn´t feel like he could, so he prayed to be given the valor to do it. They came over and were talking to him and the entire time he was going back and forth between saying something or not until he decided not to say anything. He told us that all of a sudden he felt a force rush through him, he sat up and said (without any thought) "Listen, it’s better if you don´t come back. I´ve decided to stop studying wiht you." ALL THE LORD HELPING HIM! The Lord is totally guiding him and he says he wants to be baptizedi n our church for sure! YES!

H..(from Rota) IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON JUNE 21ST!! He emailed Hermana Hoffman this week to tell her! IT’S ABOUT TIME! 6 months, 2 continents and countless missionaries later he is doing it. I am so happy!!

M.. is the most prepared investigator I´ve taught in my entire mission and SHE WON´T ACCEPT A FECHA!! She knows she is going to get baptized and we both feel SO strong about the 21st, but she feels like it’s too fast. It’s frustrating, but i don´t know what to do. I really feel like she is the reason I am here and if I leave without seeing her baptism, it would feel really incomplete. I have to trust in the Lord and His timing though... The lady is having such a hunger and thirst after the word right now, she is zipping through the gospel principles book and can´t get enough of the gospel right now. SUCH a change from when I first met her and she wouldn´t even sit in the same room when we shared messages with her mom! Also her baby is SOOOOO cute!

It’s weird that I could be serving with elders abbey´s age pretty soon here! Haha what the heck! Right now the youngest elder in our mission will turn 19 in august, but i have a feeling that this summer we are about to get a whole lot younger! we are seeing a lot of cool miracles still. We cut out a lot of unnecessary activities and at first we had a hard time filling that time, but the Lord is blessing us with more work and with more prepared people to teach. Like P.., he came to church on Sunday and LOVED it and is on track for the 21st for baptism with his daughter. Ma... Oh I totally think that Preach My Gospel should be applied thorougly everywhere! I was on intercambios in San Jose de la Rinconada, a pueblo of Sevilla and I was talking with an Hermana and we both didn´t really understand before the mission how EVERYTHING comes back to the restoration! PMG is gold. yeah transfers will be in 2 weeks.

I am really enjoying having questions and then basing my studies off of those questions, also writing down questions that i can´t quite answer from investigators adn studying them. One that I studied today was: If we are created in god´s image, why aren´t we perfect like Him then? or does that mean He is imperfect? I read in Galatians 4:1-2 about how the heir is like a servant and i was thinking, okay so a prince when he is born is not born a king. He has to learn, has many tutors and challenges and it takes years before he becomes a king. Its teh same with us! WE are born as princes and princesses, still learning to become teh royalty our Heavenly parents know we can become!

Worst musical number of my life: 1. we had to sing to a recording on an ipad  2. we had never practiced all together 3. the little girl who was playing the violin with us didn´t know we were doing it, so we get up to teh stand and she realizes whats going on, but takes like three solid minutes gettign her violin ready and running up. 4. the music started halfway through the song, but we didn´t eralize it until a few lines in, had to stop it and reload it and start again 5. the little girl didn´t know when to come in, she came in a bar late in the wrong key. 6. the music shut off as soon as the violin came in. 7. we ended in teh wrong key. IT WAS MORTIFYING!! haha so funny. i was laughing so hard afterwards!

KAtie: YOU ARE AN AWESOME MEMBER MISSIONARY!! Members like that, who invite the investigators over and befriend them like that are TEH BEST. Thanks kate. 
 Best part of my week was probably intercambios with hermana israelsen, she is an incredible missionary and was a SHE before this area so we know each other fairly well, we just talked nonstop from teh moment we got together until the moment we switched back, it was SO MUCH FUN!!

So i really didn´t understand a lot about the priesthood much before my mission either, but i´ve been  learning a lot. something that has really helped me understand it adn my role in it was elder oaks´ talk from the priesthood session of last conference. I love how clearly he described the keys and authority of the priesthood and the differences. another cool insight an elder shared with me is that the aaronic priesthood caters to physical things, and the melquisedek to spiritual things. one example being baptism, the ordinance of baptism is done under the aaronic priesthood, but the reception of the gift of the holy ghost is under melquisedek (i don´t know how to spell it in english). Study teh section in PMG chapter 3, lesson 5, that also helps a lot! I lvoe you al! have a great week and stay fresh!

i love you all!
hermana folsom

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